Hirano Takeda BC42A


Mesin Potong Besi Beton Bar Cutter Jepang Hirano Takeda BC42A


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Jual Mesin Potong Besi Beton Bar Cutter Jepang Hirano Takeda BC42A
HIRANO TAKEDA Bar Cutting machine is robustly built to withstand the stress while cutting of rebar and various forms of steel bars.
Spesifikasi :
Maximum Cutting : 42 mm
Motor : 2.2 kW
Dimension : 1140 x 500 x 830 mm
Weight : 720 kg
Untuk informasi dan pemesanan, silakan menghubungi Whatsapp PT. Maju Langgung Mandiri +62-8111-7661-38

Additional information

Weight 720 kg
